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How to Lose 80 Pounds Quickly - Helen's Success Story

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Helen Lambell also dropped six dress sizes following the photo herself in the witch outfit last year.She managed to drop from 220 pounds to 140 pounds and couldn't be happier with the results of her size eight frame. ! The 39-year-old seamstress said: "I'd dressed up for Halloween as a witch to join in on the fun with my children but didn't realise how bad I looked until I saw a photo of myself.I had a pair of XL orange tights to go with the costume but they didn't fit so I ended up using the tights as a belt! It was when I was doing alternations on a customer's suit that I asked him how he had lost so much weight himself; this is when he told me about Custom Keto Diet "I had a holiday coming up so knew that was a good incentive to lose weight, so bit the bullet and decided to join myself. When I started, I was a size 18 - 20 clothing and desperately wanted to go back to the size I was prior to having my two children, Ralph, seven, and Heidi, thr

How to Lose 100 Pounds Fast without Exercise - Catherine's Success Story

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  Catherine Shanklin from Oklahoma City weighed  420ne disorders, high blood pressure and diabetes. She has suffered a host of health issues which have delayed her surgery while her body heals from invasive vein removal procedures. Ms Shanklin said: "It took me exactly three years to lose the weight. It still shocks me when I see pictures and I'm like, "Is that really me? I am so glad I stayed the course to do it on my own and opted out of having surgery." She described her food as her "secret soulmate" and said it had become a solution to her emotions. She added: "I feel sad, I am going to eat, I am bored I am going to eat, it is an emotional connection that I had with it that literally I knew I had to break up with it. It is an addiction; I think it is just like a drug or anything else. Being 400 pounds we would go to an amusement park and I was the one standing on the side lines just waiting there for everybody to have fun. Riding on a plan

How to Lose 80 Pounds in 3 Months without Exercise - Natalie's Success Story

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At a size 24 and weighing 300 pounds, the 33-year-old's size caused agonising joint pain and she struggled to walk. Natalie admits her biggest humiliation was when she boarded a plane to the Florida with a friend. She explained: "In 2018, I went on holiday to Florida and had to ask for a seatbelt extender on the plane. It was really humiliating, because I don’t think I’d realised how big I actually was. Still, even that was not enough to stop me from overeating. It just made me aware that I was a bigger person." She warned the operations manager that if she continued to put on weight and eating as she was she would be dead by the time she was 40. Natalie, who at 5ft 3ins hada BMI of 51, more than double what's recommended, was stunned into action immediately. She signed up for Custom Keto Diet straight away and has now shed a massive  80 pounds in 3 months and 4 days. Natalie, from California, is now a slim size 14 and weighs 13 stone. She said: "The doctor tol

How to Lose 160 Pounds Fast - Janet's Success Story

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Janet Lewis, from Houston, Texas , has gone from 310 pounds to 150 pounds since joining a Custom Keto Diet plan in July 2019. She lost total 160 pounds in a year. The 53-year-old signed up to the Custom Keto Diet  because she was embarrassed about not being able to get out of a chair to go to the bathroom, She added: "I couldn't carry my own body weight, so my partner had to help me to the toilet. I was crying that I was going to wet myself. That was the turning point for me." Janet said she began struggling with her weight when she gave birth to her son, Ray, more than three decades ago. "I tried all the fad diets but I just couldn't keep the weight off," she said. When her father Robert Selby died suddenly of suspected pneumonia four years ago, Janet said she struggled to come to terms with it. She added: "It was horrific. I couldn't deal with anything. My mum came to stay with me but we just ended up eating badly together." The de

How to Lose 130 Pounds in 9 Months - Blake's Success Story

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  Blake Lewis, 33, was left mortified when he was turned away from the Go Jetters Vroomster Zoom roundabout-style ride in CBeebies Land. As he went to climb aboard he found the the safety bar wouldn't fit over his belly. The dad-of-two was told he had to get off the ride for health and safety reasons, leaving his daughter in tears.Blake, who tipped the scales at 330 pounds , has however managed to lose half his body weight since the incident. "I'd take my children to the park and play with them and thought I could probably run better than a lot of slim people. I did hear about some of my overweight friends getting diagnosed with heart disease and type 2 diabetes, but it was not fitting in the ride that did it for me. My daughter Sophie didn't understand why we couldn't go on the ride because we had sat down alrightI knew I was big but when I couldn't get the belt over my stomach I thought: 'This doesn't happen to people every day. Something is not

How to Lose 79 Pounds in 3 Months - Success Story

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Randi always struggled with her weight, but it never really bothered her until she got out of her "post-grad slump" in 2019 and realized her boozy brunches and weekend binges had brought her up to 240 pounds. "I stared at myself in the mirror with tears in my eyes and asked myself, 'How did I let myself get like this?I always tried to blame it on my genes, but really, I was obsessed with fast food and I wasn't working out." Randi said She kept trying to adopt healthier eating habits, and while she did lose some weight, it wasn't nearly as much as she wanted. Then her friend recommended Custom Keto Diet program - which gaver Randi eight-week meal plan based on the experience and expertise of industry leaders. That includes nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to ensure you make optimal progress toward your dream figure. ( you also check and buy it here ) "It was n

How to Lose 180 Pounds in 6 Months - Success Story

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Many of us wake up on New Year's Day with the resolution to lose weight and get fit. But Thomas actually did it. Overweight since childhood and 300 pounds by the time he was 18, Thomas kicked off 2018 by starting Keto Diet and a routine that found him at the gym six days a week, helping him to lose 180 pounds in 6 months. Now weighing 204 pounds, he continues his bodybuilding and fitness regimen, and can bench press 285 pounds and deadlift up to 475 pounds. "To be able to love myself, that's the true, ultimate milestone achieved to this day," Thomas said Read more :  Fans Fame Of Keto Diet Include Lebron Jame

How to Lose 85 Pounds in 5 Months - Success Story

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At nearly 200 pounds, Jennifer no longer had the energy to play with her 13-year-old son—and her weight was also taking a toll on her marriage."My husband and I weren't getting along because frankly, I made it really hard to love me because I stopped loving myself, Everybody became more important than I did and fast food became my way of life." she said. Then, two years ago, she saw a friend post about her weight loss journey and found it inspiring. Her friend recommended  Custom Keto Diet—a dietary program online that makes meal replacement shakes.After 5 months, Jennifer lost total 85 pounds. Now 115 pounds, Jennifer is a full-time health and wellness coach who loves yoga. She says she continues to drink at least one Isagenix shake per day and, most importantly, she now has the energy to play with her son. Read more : What is Keto Diet - Explained on Fox News

How to Lose 96 Pounds in 3 Months - Success Story

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As a kid, Jared oved to play sports. But when the 28-year-old fell in love with his girlfriend, Samatha  he gained some relationship weight. All those late nights spent snacking on the couch with his parter left him at 285 pounds, and when he opened up his refrigerator one day and saw pizza boxes from four different restaurants, he decided something had to change. "It's pretty embarrassing, but it's the truth,I just opened the door, and I was just like, 'What are we doing here?' Jared said Jared and Samatha decided to give Keto Diet a try, eating all of their meals between noon and 8 p.m and follow program name Custom Keto ( you also check and buy it here ) They immediately noticed that their energy levels increased, and with even more of a drive to be active, the couple used the buddy system to go to the gym six days a week for 45 minutes of indoor cycling. "We pushed each in our weak areas," Samatha said. "We were on different pages initi

How to Lose 80 Pounds in 3 months without Exercise - Success Story

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Stacey , 50, knew she'd never be a gym aficionado—not with six kids and a full-time job as a teacher, at least. But once her weight began to give her health problems, she knew something had to give. "I saw a picture of myself and wasn't happy,I knew that, as I was getting older, that the weight would continue to increase if I did nothing, so I made up my mind to change my life once and for all." Stacey said. She went on the Custom Keto Diet , which had her eating fewer carbs—and in just 3 months, she lose 80 pounds. "I learned to eat to live, not live to eat," Stacey said. "I would say that weight loss is one of the very few areas where it's OK to be selfish. It is about you. Whatever it costs, it's worth the personal investment in you. This is the sacrifice that a mom has to make—not only for herself, but her family.  == ***You can check and buy Custom Keto here

How to Lose 180 Pounds in 5 Months - Success Story

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By the time she was 29, Stacy was already beginning to have health problems due to her weight. "I was taking medication for high blood pressure, my asthma was getting worse, and it was physically painful to walk or stand for more than five minutes," For the first time in her life, she was motivated to lose weight not for the sake of looking good, but for personal wellness and improving her health—an approach that changed everything. "I wanted to be able to play an active role in my little brothers' lives rather than watching from the couch," she said. "I wanted to be able to be a mom one day. I wanted to be able to move without being in pain. I wanted to live instead of just exist." Blair got started by following Keto Diet, counting calories keeping a daily log of her meals, which led to her going on a keto diet that helped her lose 180 pounds in 5 months and 10 days "At the end of the day when everything is all said and done, it's not

How to Lose 145 pounds in 10 Months - Success Story

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  Amber spent most of her young-adult life in a pattern of losing weight on various diets, and then gaining it all back. In January 2017, she hit 325 pounds—her second heaviest weight—and decided to seek treatment from a mental health professional to address her unhealthy eating habits. "I realized I needed help when I found myself living the same dismal day over and over again—and food was my only oasis," Neale said in April 2019. "It took therapy to make me realize how awful my eating habits had become: I ate from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed." Once she dealt with her anxiety, depression, and binge-eating disorder, Neale followed Keto Diet plan and she was able to cut out fast food, reduce her portion sizes, and start exercising daily for 45 minutes. She lost 145 pounds in 10 months, and today, she says she takes things "one meal, or one moment, at a time."  ==== Read more : Ketogenic Diet Explained on Fox News

How to Lose 50 Pounds for a Woman Over 50 - Success Story

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Think it's too late to change your body once you're over 50? Think again. In October, 2019- 75-year-old Joan became an internet inspiration after showing off her incredible transformation. "For many decades, I was more often overweight than at a healthy weight,I was on medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and acid reflux. My arthritis was acting up pretty bad." Joan said Concerned about her health, Joan's daughter taught her mom how to use Keto Diet program name Custom Keto ( you can try & buy it here ) to cook and track her meals. That program helped drive her to eat more protein and healthy fats, and go to the gym four or five days a week. And after making those major changes to her lifestyle, Joan lost 50 pounds in 8 months. gained plenty of muscle, and now helps others reach their fitness goals, no matter how old they are. "For those who truly feel at a loss, I'd say change one thing with your food intake, one exercise to

How to Lose 102 lbs in 4 Months - Success Story

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Mary- The Windsor, Ontario-based student, 17, used to eat pizza for breakfast and drink as many as 15 cans of soda a day, reaching a high weight of 225 lbs. When her father had gastric bypass surgery, she changed her diet and began eating the small meals he was consuming. She also used Instagram to find weight loss tips. "It turns out I wasn’t eating enough protein and needed to lift weights to gain muscle," Mary said- who now has a self-published memoir and offers online weight-loss coaching. In 4 months, Mary lost total 102 lbs and this is her tips : What She Eats Now: Walker tracks her proteins, fats and carbs — and still follow her favourite Keto Diet Menu. Her Workouts Now: The teen uses strength training to stay toned. Her Best Weight Loss Tip: “Be willing to ask for help. I learned proper exercise just from asking people in the gym and on social media. ================ Read more :  What is the Best Keto Diet for Beginners - Fox News Explained !

How to Lose 92 Pounds in 4 Months ? ( Success Story)

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Rebecca-The insurance saleswoman, 26, shot up to 250  pounds. after spending a pastry-filled semester studying abroad in France during college, and continued to eat lots of baked goods after graduating. In January 2019, Rebecca booked a trip to Jamaica and decided she wanted to lose weight so she wouldn't be self-conscious about how she looked in a bathing suit. “I hit the ground running. I used the app My Fitness Pal on my phone, and I plugged in how much weight I wanted to lose and how fast I wanted to lose it. I also buy Custom Keto Diet program, and I followed it. I literally had to reteach myself to cook.” What She Eats Now: She follow Keto menu everydays. She makes sure she gets enough protein and limits her carbs but still allows herself wine on weekends. Her Workouts Now:  Rebecca works out every day doing a mix of cardio and weights. Her favorite piece of exercise equipment is the StairMaster. Her Best Weight Loss Tip: "Don't give yourself the option to g

How to Lose 107 Pounds in 4 Months - Success Story

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The British Columbia-based stay-at-home mom, 41, admits that she "stopped caring" about her body after having her first baby at age 21. After having her second child, Linda weighed 230 pounds. and says she was a "food addict." After her third pregnancy and a divorce, Linda realized she needed to take control of her weight. However, she took things too far and developed anorexia and bulimia. In 2019, she started bodybuilding and Keto diet, which she credits with finally getting her health on track. "Bodybuilding became an outlet for me to conquer my fears,” she said "There was no more hiding." She lose  What She Eats Now: Faith stays away from anything that comes "in a can or box" and avoids gluten, dairy and soy. She follow Keto Diet menu on the Custom Keto plan ( you also check and buy it here ) Her Workouts Now: She works out six days a week for an hour each time. Her Best Weight Loss Tip: "Don't just use the treadmill one